Chun-Cheng Lin
Distinguished Professor
Dept. of Industrial Engineering & Management
National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (NYCU), TaiwanAssociate Dean of the College of Management & EMBA Program Director, NYCU
Chair Professor (Adjunct), National Chin-Yi University of Technology (NCUT), Taiwan
Research Fellow (Joint Appointment), Taiwan Semiconductor Research Institute (TSRI)
IEEE Senior Member
E-mail: Phone: +886-3-5731758
Taiwan Patents:
(關於AGV充電排程)Also published in the following journal paper:
Chun-Cheng Lin, K.-Y. Chen, and L.-T. Hsieh (2023) Real-time charging scheduling of automated guided vehicles in cyber-physical smart factories using feature-based reinforcement learning. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 24(4), 4016-4026. [pdf]